Genan steel is a well-documented product with excellent product properties and conforms to well-known standards for recycled steel, e.g. the German “Stahlschrottpreise Index Sorte 2”, which reports market prices on a regular basis.
Furthermore, the Genan steel fraction is very dense. When dispatched from Genan, the bulk density is approx. 800 kg/m3, which is far higher than for alternative recycled tire wire products. This high bulk density makes storage, transportation and handling easy and very cost-effective. For steelworks, the high bulk density also proves efficient during the remelting process – both in connection with induction heating and in electrode-based melting processes, as evaporation is minimal.
Steel – and thus also recycled tire wire – is a product which can be re-melted over and over again.
Steel recycling limits the need for iron ore mining, as the need for virgin iron ore is reduced, when scrap steel is reused. This is especially important in this day and age when human civilization is using resources faster than the planet can regenerate them. The recycling of all kinds of resources is a must to reverse climate change.
For more information about the climate and environmental benefits of tire recycling, follow this link to read about Genan’s Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Studies.