In a fully automated production process, Genan recycles end-of-life tires (ELT), thus transforming tire waste into valuable Raw Materials from Recycling (RMR) in the form of recovered tire wire, textile and rubber.
When recycled Genan products are used instead of virgin raw materials, significant carbon footprint reductions can be reaped. At Genan, we are happy to help by providing you with scientifically validated data from our Life Cycle Assessments, so you can make you own calculations.
Circular economy is all about using raw materials from recycling to substitute virgin materials. Materials already used for one purpose get a second life. In this way, new production of virgin rubber and textile is avoided, and the carbon footprint of your final product is reduced.
If you wish to declare your carbon footprint to external stakeholders – e.g. customers, organizations and public authorities – Genan can help you with all necessary carbon footprint data relating to the quantity of Genan recycled rubber or textile used in your final product.
Ask your Genan sales representative to provide you with our cradle-to-gate carbon footprint report, in which all data is available. The report establishes the carbon footprint throughout the complete chain, beginning with the collection of worn-out tires until high-quality, recycled textile and rubber products leave the Genan gate.
The report has been written by FORCE Technology, one of the most well-reputed institutes for Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Footprint calculations, and it has been peer-reviewed and verified by Veritas HSE.
Genan Inc.
18038 Beaumont Hwy.
Houston TX 77049
Phone: +1 713 674 8500