When does waste stop being waste?

Published January 2022 by Poul Steen Rasmussen, Group CEO
Yesterday’s paper, an empty plastic container, a torn jumper and a worn-out tire – completely different things which have one thing in common: they are all categorized as waste. At the same time, however, they are important, recyclable resources, which our planet cannot afford missing out on in the battle towards climate change mitigation and a sustainable future. When it comes to recycling, we cannot sit back and save the aces; sooner or later, the game is over.

Currently, it is not clearly defined when waste becomes a raw material from recycling.

In other words: When will processed rubber from worn-out tires, separated from textile and steel in an advanced industrial process, achieve end-of-waste status (EoW)?  When is it no longer waste?

Read the blog post here.

A level playing field is a must

A level

Published September 2021 by Poul Steen Rasmussen, CEO
It cannot come as a surprise to anyone that we must continuously get better at reusing the resources we already have – now as well as in the future. Over time, it has become common knowledge that the consumption of the 21st-century population is putting an immense pressure on our planet, our climate and our environment – and in the long run, this cannot last. We must make the most eco-friendly choices, we must recycle more, we must secure the future for the generations to come.

But if there are no precise rules to play by, navigating in the green universe can prove difficult for many companies; and the fear of losing large investments on this account can be terrifying for even the biggest players the in the market.

Read the blog post here.